Twixl Publisher lets you easily create iOS and/or Android apps (for both tablets and phones), based on Adobe InDesign content. You can publish in Apple's App Store, Google Play, or the Kindle Fire Appstore. You can also export a "Web Reader" version of your content for displaying a publication is a standard desktop or notebook browser. The free Twixl Viewer app for iOS and Android allows you to quickly send a preview to your own device.
In combination with the Twixl Distribution Platform, that allows you to manage kiosk apps, with support for In-app purchases, subscriptions, entitlements, Newsstand, push notifications, we offer a very competitively priced and compelling mobile publishing alternative.

- Create apps for tablets and phones fully independently
- Go from designing to publishing in the app stores or in-house
- Start from different types of content
- Create automated production workflows

Twixl Publisher is a platform (a set of software and services): the program for OS X and the plug-in for Adobe InDesign CC2015, CC2014, CC or the CS6, to create interactive content for mobile devices both from existing documents, as well as "from scratch".

Twixl Publisher can use a wide range of interactivity, such as photo slideshows, audio, video and HTML5 integration.

With Twixl Publisher, you can create applications for iOS phones and tablets, Android and Amazon or export content for viewing in a browser on a computer.

Twixl Publisher is based on the philosophy of ease of use, natural and intuitive. The user and his experience are the solutions center and it shows in every component of the system. We can only come up with, create and publish.

Version 5.1.4:
Added fingerprint support to the Twixl App Reviewer on Android
Updated the iOS Readers to adhere to the security requirements from Apple
HTML articles can now be zoomed on Android without the zooming buttons showing up
Fixed several inconsistencies in the way the interactive elements work on Android vs iOS
Underscores are now allowed in the Android application ID
The 2-up view of PDF files on Android no longer shows a gap in between the pages
Fixed several bugs which caused the app to crash when using custom URLs in an info cell on Android
Removed the option "Clear cache" in the settings as it caused several apps to get rejected by Apple
Fixed several bugs which caused the export from InDesign to be incorrect
Exporting a publication from InDesign no longer fails if Xcode is not installed
Fixed several bugs which caused the offline cache of an article-based app to never be cleaned up
Grid and cell styles can now be managed by the Admin API on the Twixl Distribution Platform
Fixed another bug which resulted in an infinite loop when using an autoplay movie on Android
Fixed several memory related bugs with scrollable content on Android
The InDesign server plugins are now corretly installed for InDesign CS6 Server on ShiChuang
Adobe Entitlement Servers now allow you to use a custom signin url

Intel, 64-bit processor
OS X 10.9.5 or later
Adobe InDesign CC2015/2014, CC, CS6
Xcode 6.1 or later



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